Insure Today
For A Secure Tomorrow.

Caribou Insurance Brokerage.
Securing peace of mind for our clients.

You launched a new business.

You purchased a new asset.

You bought a new home.


It is an exciting milestone that needs adequate protection to keep it safe.
Caribou Insurance Brokerage provides coverage to keep your assets protected.

Safeguarding Your Achievements is Our Mission.

Our advantage as an independent agency empowers us to collaborate with many top-tier insurance carriers, ensuring we find the perfect fit customized for you and your needs.
As your business evolves, so do your insurance needs. We’re committed to adapting alongside you, fine-tuning your coverage to ensure it remains relevant. Our focus never wavers from securing the most competitive premiums without cutting corners on your protection.
At Caribou, we provide support and assistance to make things easier while ensuring professionalism and efficiency.
You have built something exceptional and we are here to help you protect it, for your satisfaction is our ultimate success! Take the first step towards securing your future and get your free quote today. Rest assured, you’ll be properly insured.

We Promise


We’re upfront and clear about all aspects of the insurance policies, fees, and claims process so our clients can confidently decide.


We work closely with our clients, insurers, and other stakeholders to get our clients the best terms and premiums for their policies.


We promptly address our clients’ inquiries, claims, and concerns so you can return to business as usual.

Client-Centric Service

We prioritize the needs and interests of our clients, ensuring personalized and attentive service.

You need protection. Caribou has the plan.

Confidently Offering:

Homeowners & Renters

- Homeowners Insurance: Protect your home and possessions against damage and theft and cover liability for accidents that occur on the property.
- Renters Insurance: Covers your personal property within a rented property and provides liability coverage.

Ocean & Inland Marine

- Inland Marine Insurance: Covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, terminals, and any transport by which goods are transferred, acquired, or held between points of origin and final destination.
- Protection & Indemnity (P&I): Liability insurance for water vessels.

Business Owners

- Business Owners Policy (BOP): Protect yourself with property insurance, liability protection, and business interruption insurance.
- Commercial Liability Insurance: For legal liabilities.

Real Estate

- Property Insurance: For buildings and contents owned by the company.
- Liability Insurance: Covers legal claims from accidents, injuries, or negligence. - Professional Liability Insurance: Essential for real estate agents and brokers.

Cyber Fraud

- Cyber Liability Insurance: Covers your business from data breaches and other cyber security issues.
- Fidelity Bonds: Protects against fraudulent acts by your employees.

Distributors & Manufacturers

- Product Liability Insurance: Protection against claims related to the manufacture or sale of products.
- Business Interruption Insurance: Covers loss of income resulting from events that disrupt the normal course of business.
- Commercial Property Insurance: For buildings, equipment, inventory, etc.


- Malpractice Insurance: For medical professionals against claims of negligence or harm.
- General Liability Insurance: To cover general business risks.
- Cyber Liability Insurance: Critical given the sensitive nature of health records.

Builders Risk

- Contractors All Risks (CAR) Insurance: Covers damage to buildings under construction, including materials, fixtures, and equipment, whether on-site or in transit, in addition to temporary structure and delays.
- General Liability Insurance: For bodily injury or property damage.

Workers Compensation & DBL

- Workers Compensation Insurance: Covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees who get injured on the job.
- Disability Insurance: Covers part of the lost income of an employee who cannot work due to illness or injury.

Professional Liability

- Professional Liability Insurance (Errors & Omissions): Protects professionals against negligence claims made by their clients. - Directors and Officers Insurance: For decision-makers in a company against personal losses as a result of being sued.

Confidence and Quality in Every Contract

In contracting and construction, the reliability of project completion and adherence to quality is key. Our bond solutions, including Contractor, Performance, and Surety Bonds, safeguard against project uncertainties and uphold your commitments. These tailored bonds enhance trust and ensure both parties are protected. With our expertise, you can confidently guarantee project success and build lasting professional relationships.
Operate with peace of mind.
Caribou has you covered.
Every industry faces unique challenges; we customize your coverage to address your needs and risks.


Utilize our fast and efficient payment portal to pay your policy premiums on time, at any time.

What can we insure for you today?

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